Population Data Population Density, 1990: 18.5 per square mile Population Change - Population Growth 1960-1970: -8.0% Population Growth 1970-1980: 21.90% Population Growth 1980-1990: 5.54% Projected Population Growth 1990-2000: 4.8% Indian Population, 1990: 17 Divorce Rate, 1988: 483 per 10,000 population 18 years of age or older Population 65 Years and Older, 1990: 14.8% Population 85 Years and Older, 1990: 8.0% of population > 60 yrs old Single Person Households, 1990: 22% Single-Parent Non-Hispanic White Households, 1990: 16% Single-Parent Black Households, 1990: 54% Single-Parent Hispanic Households, 1990: No data Non-Hispanic White Homeowners, 1990: 82% Hispanic Homeowners, 1990: No data Black Homeowners, 1990: 69% Mobile Home Owners, 1990: 12% Households Receiving Old Age Assistance, 1990: 11.1% Households Receiving Aid to the Disabled, 1990: 5.0% Households Receiving Aid to Families with Dependent Children, 1990: 5.3% High School Dropouts, 1988-1989: 2% Expenditures per Pupil, 1989-1990: $4476 K-12 Students in Private Schools, 1988-1989: 17% Graduating Seniors Entering College, 1989: 45% Entry-Level Teachers' Salaries, 1989-1990: $19500 Average Salaries for Teachers with Master's Degrees, 1988-1989: $26700 Students per Classroom Teachers, 1988-1989: 16 Teachers per Administrator, 1988-1989: 7 Violent Crime, 1990: 615 per 100,000 population Non-violent Crime, 1990: 2365 per 100,000 population Arrests for Drug Sales and Possession, 1990: 320 per 100,000 population Total Fertility Rate: 57.64 births per 1000 women of childbearing age Natural Increase 1980-1990: 6.4% Migration Rate 1980-1990: -0.9% Total Births, 1990: 203 Total Birth Rate, 1990: 17.97 births per 1000 population White Birth Rate, 1990: 14.21 births per 1000 population Nonwhite Birth Rate, 1990: 22.77 births per 1000 population Total Low Weight Births, 1990: .11% of live births White Low Weight Births, 1990: .07% of live births Nonwhite Low Weight Births, 1990: .14% of live births Total Very Low Weight Births, 1990: .09% of live births White Very Low Weight Births, 1990: .18% of live births Nonwhite Very Low Weight Births, 1990: .02% of live births Total Infant Mortality, 1990-92: 16.91 per 1000 live births White Infant Mortality, 1990-92 average: 8.77 per 1000 live births Nonwhite Infant Mortality, 1990-92 average: 22.43 per 1000 live births Total Deaths, 1990: 131 Total Death Rate, 1990: 11.60 per 1000 population White Death Rate, 1990: 12.31 per 1000 population Nonwhite Death Rate, 1990: 10.68 per 1000 population DISEASES Total Deaths from AIDS (HIV), 1990: 1 Total AIDS Death Rate, 1990: 8.85 per 100,000 population White AIDS Death Rate, 1990: 0.00 per 100,000 population Nonwhite AIDS Death Rate, 1990: 20.15 per 100,000 population Total Deaths from Cancer, 1990: 38 Total Cancer Death Rate, 1990: 336.40 per 100,000 population White Cancer Death Rate, 1990: 410.48 per 100,000 population Nonwhite Cancer Death Rate, 1990: 241.84 per 100,000 population Total Deaths from Diabetes, 1990: 5 Total Diabetes Death Rate, 1990: 44.26 per 100,000 population White Diabetes Death Rate, 1990: 15.79 per 100,000 population Nonwhite Diabetes Death Rate, 1990: 80.61 per 100,000 population Total Deaths from Heart Disease, 1990: 28 Total Heart Disease Death Rate, 1990: 247.88 per 100,000 population White Heart Disease Death Rate, 1990: 284.18 per 100,000 population Nonwhite Heart Disease Death Rate, 1990: 201.53 per 100,000 population Total Deaths from Homicide, 1990: 5 Total Homicide Death Rate, 1990: 44.26 per 100,000 population White Homicide Death Rate, 1990: 0.00 per 100,000 population Nonwhite Homicide Death Rate, 1990: 100.77 per 100,000 population Total Deaths from Chronic Liver Disease & Cirrhosis, 1990: 1 Total Liver Disease & Cirrhosis Death Rate, 1990: 8.85 per 100,000 pop. White Liver Disease & Cirrhosis Death Rate, 1990: 0.00 per 100,000 pop. Nonwhite Liver Disease & Cirrhosis Death Rate, 1990: 20.15 per 100,000 pop. Total Deaths from Chronic Lung Disease, 1990: 4 Total Lung Disease Death Rate, 1990: 35.41 per 100,000 population White Lung Disease Death Rate, 1990: 63.15 per 100,000 population Nonwhite Lung Disease Death Rate, 1990: 0.00 per 100,000 population Total Deaths from Motor Vehicle Accidents, 1990: 10 Total Motor Vehicle Accident Death Rate, 1990: 88.53 per 100,000 population White Motor Vehicle Accident Death Rate, 1990: 94.73 per 100,000 population Nonwhite Motor Vehicle Accident Death Rate, 1990: 80.61 per 100,000 population Total Deaths from Nonmotor Vehicle Accidents, 1990: 3 Total Nonmotor Vehicle Accident Death Rate, 1990: 26.56 per 100,000 pop. White Nonmotor Vehicle Accident Death Rate, 1990: 47.36 per 100,000 pop. Nonwhite Nonmotor Vehicle Accident Death Rate, 1990: 0.00 per 100,000 pop. Total Deaths from Pneumonia, 1990: 4 Total Pneumonia Death Rate, 1990: 35.41 per 100,000 population White Pneumonia Death Rate, 1990: 47.36 per 100,000 population Nonwhite Pneumonia Death Rate, 1990: 20.15 per 100,000 population Total Deaths from Stroke, 1990: 13 Total Stroke Death Rate, 1990: 115.08 per 100,000 population White Stroke Death Rate, 1990: 126.30 per 100,000 population Nonwhite Stroke Death Rate, 1990: 100.77 per 100,000 population Total Deaths from Suicide, 1990: 1 Total Suicide Death Rate, 1990: 8.85 per 100,000 population White Suicide Death Rate, 1990: 15.79 per 100,000 population Nonwhite Suicide Death Rate, 1990: 0.00 per 100,000 population PRACTITIONERS/FACILITIES Chiropractic Physicians, 1992: 1 Dental Hygienists, 1992: 2 Dentists, 1992: 3 Licensed Practical Nurses, 1992: 42 Medical Doctors, 1992: 4 Nurse Practitioners, 1992: 6 Occupational Therapists, 1992: 2 Opticians, 1992: 0 Optometrists, 1992: 1 Osteopathic Physicians, 1992: 0 Pharmacists, 1992: 9 Physical Therapists, 1992: 2 Physician Assistants, 1992: 2 Podiatric Physicians, 1992: 0 Psychologists, 1992: 0 Registered Nurses, 1992: 55 Respiratory Therapists, 1992: 1 HMO's, 1992: 4 Hospital Beds, 1992: 0 Nursing Home Beds, 1992: 157 Nursing Home Occupancy Rate, 1992: 93.20% Substance Abuse Facilities, 1991: 0